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How Spiritualism Began

On 31st March 1848 in Hydesville, New York State, lived the Fox sisters, and on that night there started knocks and raps that had not been heard before. These knocks and raps were very loud. The two sisters Margaret and Katherine who were teenagers at the time, clicked their fingers a few times and the knocks responded back with the same number of wraps. This led the family to think that there was an intelligence behind this phenomenon.


This started a code with this person and he stated that he was a Pedlar and he had called at the house to sell his wares and the man who loved there before the Fox family had murdered him and hid his body in the cellar of the house. By now other people of the neighbourhood were calling to see this new form of communication. They decided to dig in the cellar to see if the mans body was there, they dug up the cellar and found nothing at all.


Still the knocks and raps went on stating that his body was in the cellar. Awhile later they decided to dig again in the cellar and this time noticed that there was a false wall at one end of the cellar. They removed this and dug the grounds behind the wall and guess what they found? The body of a man and beside him the goods that a Pedlar would sell, proving what the spirit had told them was right.


From this start, Spiritualism has swept the world. This is why we should be thankful to young people in Spiritualism as it was with their help that started the movement of the Spiritualism. This is a brief history of the start of modern Spiritualism, and how the spirit people made a break through to this world again.

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